CITpax Colombia

CITpax operates through its office in Bogota as a Colombian non-profit foundation, under the institutional name of CITpax-Colombia. It focuses on the follow up and analysis of the policies and initiatives related to the peacebuilding process, the different legal frameworks of transitional justice and the public policies of local authorities in charge of providing care and reparation to victims. It also promotes institutional learning processes and the knowledge transfer between institutions and territorial entities.

From the International Observatory for the monitoring of the Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration (DDR) and the implementation of the Justice and Peace Law (Ley de Justicia y Paz) -which aims to give visibility to these processes- CITpax has disseminated information on the progress and outcomes of the process through regular reports, which also provide technical and political advice on how best to promote compliance with international standards of human rights, international humanitarian law and transitional justice.

Strategic cross lines:

  1. Knowledge transfer and management
  2. Facilitating dialogue between stakeholders
  3. Supporting and monitoring the design, implementation and evaluation of public policies on peacebuilding and transitional justice
  4. New ways of communicating, transmitting and working in the field of peacebuilding

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