Public Event July, 7, 2011

Madrid, Instituto Universitario “General Gutiérrez Mellado”
The private sector could potentially play an important role in peace building and conflict resolution alongside governments, international agencies and NGOs. With their management skills, know-how and resources, businesses might complete and support the Human Rights work carried out by the International Community, and contribute to early rebuild of critical infrastructures in post conflict countries. Some companies might as well support mediation and dialogue efforts during peace processes. Additionally, the private sector has an outstanding opportunity to support national reconciliation and development through its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). This need not imply surrendering its social mission i.e. to grow sustainably in the long term.
This project sees the light after verifying Spanish big corporations lack practical experience working in conflict context, and is an initiative to help them identify practical and realistic possibilities to contribute to peace building.
This activity is sponsored by the Directorate General of Institutional Relations of the Spanish Ministry of Defence.