Policy Fora February, 12, 2013

Madrid, 11-12 February 2013
The Spanish-Moroccan initiative Mediation in the Mediterranean Region seeks to support the efforts of the Secretary-General of the United Nations to strengthen the role of mediation as a means for conflict resolution. The added value of the Spanish-Moroccan initiative is due to its specific regional approach: it focuses on the Mediterranean region and its area of influence.
The seminar, co-organised by the MAEC and CITpax, was co-chaired by the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Spain and Morocco
To launch the process, on 11 and 12 February 2013, the First International Workshop on Mediation in the Mediterranean was held at the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation (MAEC). The seminar, co-organised by the MAEC and CITpax, was co-chaired by the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Spain and Morocco, José Manuel García-Margallo and Saad-Eddine El Othmani. Also present at the event were Tawakkul Karman (Nobel Peace Prize in 2011), Jorge Sampaio (High Representative for the Alliance of Civilizations), the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Gonzalo de Benito, and the Assistant to the Secretary-General of the United Nations Jordan Ryan, among others.