Mediation September, 1, 2011

Bolivia and Ecuador, March 2010 through September 2011
Since March 2010, the Toledo International Centre for Peace (CITpax) has been developing an intercultural mediation capacity building programme to assist community and indigenous leaders in Bolivia and Ecuador. The action intends to provide them with adapted tools to manage intercultural conflicts that affect their communities. This 18 months project, that is executed in Ecuador in collaboration with Esquel Foundation, tries to promote mutual understanding through intercultural dialogues aiming at the construction of consensus between parties, as a valid alternative of conflict resolution, with the aim of promoting social participation and a culture of dialogue in multicultural societies.
On the basis of a number of conflict studies and counting with the express engagement of the different parties, CITpax has carried out four capacity building cycles (comprising four workshops each) in three different environments: the Provincial Intercultural Council of Chimborazo (Ecuador); with Shuar and Saraguros community representatives of Zamora Province (Ecuador); with representatives from the different Afro Bolivian associations from La Paz, Tocaña, Santa Cruz and Cochabamba (Bolivia). Those workshops based on participatory methodologies are directed to members of communities subjects to cultural confrontations and intend to trigger a transformation process in their interrelations through intercultural mediation.
Sponsored by: Regional Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Castilla-La Mancha Regional Government (Consejería de Salud y Bienestar Social, Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha)
In collaboration with: Esquel Foundation in Ecuador
See Also
Intercultural and Conflict in Latin America: Formulas about the applicability of legal pluralism in Bolivia
Policy Fora November, 16, 2010
Intercultural-rooted conflicts in Latin America: citizen-based opportunities for peace
Policy Fora July, 16, 2008