Policy Fora November, 18, 2013
The recurrent crises and political instability in the region since 2011 have had a direct impact on the economies of North Africa and the Middle East, especially damaging foreign investment and the strategic sector of tourism.
Within the framework of a cooperation agreement with the Ministry of Defence of Spain, CITpax organised, on 18 November 2013, a panel discussion with the goal of determining how Egypt, Tunisia and Libya could regain tourism after the recent political crises. More specifically the participants analysed the implications that the lack of security has on tourism and defined a possible recovery plan involving both the public and private sectors.
The meeting included representatives of the Libyan, Egyptian and Tunisian Ministries of Tourism as well as representatives from both the Spanish (Iberostar and Barcelo Travel) and the Egyptian (Galaxy Group) private sectors, and also included recognized experts on the tourism industry and on security issues, such as Iñaki Garmendia (Noski Consulting Director) and Colonel José Miguel González Requena, from the Military Emergency Unit (UME). Eduardo Lopez Busquets, Director General of the Arab House, hosted of the event.