Policy Fora September, 17, 2010

CITpax and el Institut Europeu de la Mediterrània (IEMed) held a planning meeting in which IEMed was debriefed on the trip that Emilio Cassinello, Director General of CITpax, and John Bell, Director of the Middle East and Mediterranean Programme, made to the region in June 2010, and following which a report was produced.
The debriefing was followed by a reflection on what the next steps ahead should be, in which several experts on water and energy participated. Following the discussion, it was agreed that Walter Mazzitti, adviser to the Italian Primer Minister and an expert on water, would produce a paper defining the key objectives of the process ahead and suggesting possible roads forward.
Co-sponsored by: Toledo International Center for Peace (CITpax) and Institut Europeu de la Mediterrània (IEMed).
See also
Water in the Middle East: Conflict or Cooperation?
Public Event September, 7, 2008