Public Event June, 30, 2015

The Toledo International Centre for Peace (CITpax), in cooperation with Casa Arabe and with the support of the office of the Secretary General for Defense Policy, organised on June 30 2015 a roundtable under the title “Towards a Greater Understanding of Violent Extremism and Radicalisation”.
The event, held at Casa Arabe, involved the participation as guest speakers of Dr. Scott Atran, Director of Research in Anthropology, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique de Paris and Jean Pierre Katrib, Strategic Relations Director at Quantum Communications; and the comments by Martin Griffiths, Executive Director of the European Institute for Peace. The speakers analysed the process of human radicalization from a sociological and psychological angle with a special focus on the current situation in the Middle East and in the light of the challenge posed by ISIS.