Policy Fora
The role of private diplomacy: the CHD experience
Tuesday, Feb 17 2009
Madrid, Casa de GaliciaEl Centro Internacional de Toledo para la Paz (CITpax) y el Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue (CHD) en colaboración con la Casa de Galicia organizaron el 22 de enero de 2009 una mesa redonda sobre “El papel de la Diplomacia Privada: la experiencia del CHD”.La mesa redonda exploró el papel, las capacidades y el potencial de la diplomacia de segunda vía o diplomacia privadaLa mesa redonda a puerta cerrada, exploró el papel, las capacidades y el potencial de la diplomacia de segunda vía o diplomacia privada en el contexto internacional actual así como su proyección de futuro Read more...
Public Event
Towards a wider defence concept: the civil dimension of security in Spain and in the framework of international organisations
Thursday, Oct 23 2008
Madrid (Casa de Galicia)CITpax, Martti Ahtisaari's Crisis Management Initiative, and the Madariaga Foundation, presided by Javier Solana, organised a Seminar in Madrid to contribute to designing a wider culture of national defence in Spain. This must provide an effective response to the new international challenges in their different dimensions -civilian and military- and promote effective multilateralism as depicted in the European Security Strategy.The focus of the meeting was to explore solutions to enhance cooperation among civilian, military and international actors within the different d Read more...
Public Event
Security sector reform: a new area for Spain’s action abroad
Thursday, Jul 3 2008
CITpax, the Elcano Royal Institute and the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies for the Ministry of Defence organised a seminar in Madrid to tackle Spanish foreign action in the field of Security Sector Reform (SSR) and thus to help develop a Spanish SSR strategy or concept in line with Spain’s skills and international scope. The European Commission’s permanent representative´s Office in Madrid hosted this event.Defence Minister, Carme Chacón, opened the seminar. Also attending the opening ceremony were Director of the European Commission’s Representation in Spain, José Luis González Vallvé Read more...