Policy Fora
Institutional framework and civilivian resources for international crisis management in Spain
Friday, Feb 24 2006
The Toledo International Centre for Peace (CITpax), backed by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation and the Ministry of Defence, organised a meeting in Madrid attended by representatives from Spanish institutions that play, or could play in the future, an active role in international crisis management.These representatives spoke frankly and openly and exchanged ideas and proposals with representatives and counterparts from other countries, as well as international organisations –EU and OSCE- about the creation of civil responsibilities with regards foreign action.
Policy Fora
Human security and civil-military cooperation
Friday, Jun 17 2005
In partnership with CIDOB and the Ministry of Defence, CITpax organised this seminar which tackled the need for and possibilities of cooperation between civil and military structures and forces in international peace operations in terms of humanitarian aid and crisis and conflict resolution.Both the civil and military components are undoubtedly essential for the success of operations and indeed in order to promote human security and to ensure the recovery of the country being assisted and the welfare of its people. The need for cooperation comes from international community objectives and part Read more...
Public Event
Afghanistan: New Challenges and Perspectives on Reconstruction
Wednesday, Apr 27 2005
The conference was given by Barnet Rubin, Director of Studies and lead analyst at the Center on International Cooperation and was organised in partnership with FRIDE, CIP and CITpax.