Public Event June, 28, 2009

Istanbul (Turkey), 27-28 June 2009
In the framework of the project “Reframing the Political and Social Debate in the Caucasus Region”, the Toledo International Centre for Peace (CITpax) has organised the conference “Discussing Cross-Country Initiatives”, to bring together representative actors from the Caucasus region to discuss –with a regional scope- on topics of common interest that are pertinent to promote cross-border security and conflict resolution as a final goal.
With the financial support of the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the meeting is proposed as an exploratory facilitation exercise to promote dialogue on transversal issues among participants from the Caucasus Region at large. Ideally the conclusions and ideas drawn from this exercise will constitute a basis for future possible projects for the region.
Participants were representative personalities either from the Civil Society level or officials acting as private individuals from the areas represented in the conference (i.e. Georgia, South Ossetia, Abkhazia, Armenia, Nagorno-Karabakh and Azerbaijan). They exchanged views on three different –although interrelated- subjects, namely:
- Democratisation
- Human Security
- The role of Civil Society therein
With the support of:
See Also
Georgian and Abkhaz perspectives on conflict resolution and human security: a joint research initiative to build confidence
Policy Fora March, 31, 2009
Multi-track dialogue on the human and economic dimensions of the Georgian- Abkhazian conflict
Policy Fora March, 25, 2009