Policy Fora February, 7, 2007

This technical seminar analysed the possibility of the different international players providing coordinated and more effective action with regard to reforms in the security sector, the judicial system and government in Afghanistan.
Participants included representatives of the main players in the area (UN, NATO, EU), as well as the Afghan government and the academic field, and they exchanged ideas on the capacity of international resources used in the area.
They also drew up practical recommendations aimed at achieving more effective and coordinated action. On the one hand, this exercise aimed to analyse the situation and provide generic recommendations for how to overcome existing problems and on the other hand, to encourage the international community, particularly the EU through action programmes, to make a firm commitment including the rolling out of new civil international crisis management resources in order to consolidate peace in Afghanistan.
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See also
Afghanistan: New Challenges and Perspectives on Reconstruction
Public Event April, 27, 2005
Afghanistan: the road ahead
Public Event October, 28, 2010
The elections in Afghanistan and the USA's foreign policy
Public Event September, 14, 2009
The evolution of PRT models: towards the pre-eminence of the civilian dimension?
Public Event October, 17, 2007
Afghanistan and the impact of NATO’s adjustment to new challenges
Public Event February, 8, 2007