Policy Fora
Expert Views on Iran and the Future of Current Negotiations

Friday, Apr 4 2014
On April 4 2014, CITpax held the seventh edition of the Iran Dialogues in cooperation with the Embassy of Canada in Spain. Dr. Peter Jones, Associate Professor in the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs at the University of Ottawa analysed the past round of negotiations between Iran and the P+5, the likely next steps, as well as past and current Track II initiatives
Public Event
Iran and the Conflicts in Syria, Lebanon and Iraq: Troubled Waters or Room for a Conversation?

Friday, Apr 4 2014
On April 4, 2014 CITpax held the seventh edition of the Iran Dialogues in cooperation with the LSE Enterprise (Spain), the Embassy of Canada in Spain, and the Instituto de Empresa (IE). The guests speaker were Dr. Fawaz Gerges, Professor of International Relations in the Middle East Centre of the London School of Economics, and Dr. Peter Jones, Associate professor in the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs at the University of Ottawa who shared their views on the current situation in Iran as well as its role in various key scenarios across the Middle East.
Public Event
Iran and Europe: Friend or Foe?

Thursday, Feb 13 2014
On February 13, 2014 the sixth edition of the Iran Dialogues was held at the headquarters of the Instituto de Empresa (IE) in Madrid. The guest speaker was Dr. Rouzbeh Parsi, former Senior Analyst at the EU Institute for Security Studies. The meeting analysed the role that the EU will play at the next negotiating stage with Iran, and the chances that Europe has to increase its role as a more autonomous and relevant partner.