Policy Fora
Israel and Palestine – Beyond the Direct Talks: What Are the Alternative Options?
Saturday, Jan 22 2011
Brussels, 21-22 January 2011The objective of the meeting was to examine current options for a peaceful resolution of the Middle East conflict Given Palestinian Prime Minister Fayyad’s August 2011 “deadline” for the declaration of a Palestinian state, and the suspension of U.S.-led proximity talks between Israelis and Palestinians, the need to explore alternative paths for a resolution of the conflict becomes increasingly relevant. Even more so considering the unilateral resolution put forth by the Palestinians in the U.N., and growing doubts regarding the viability of the “two-state Read more...
Policy Fora
Security Dimension in the Peace Negotiations in the Middle East

Thursday, Nov 18 2010
As the Middle East peace talks continue to face obstacles and challenges, the road ahead for Israel and Palestine continues to be in question. No matter the arrangements, or agreements that will come about, security will remain a key issue, and one of particular concern to Israel and the region. In addition, the role of third parties and regional actors in future security will most likely be an indispensable and integral component and one that can affect Spain and other Europeans directly. The purpose of this meeting was for two senior and experienced former Israeli officials to elucidate Read more...
Policy Fora
Jerusalem and the Holy Sites: Religious and Secular Dimensions
Thursday, Jun 24 2010
Jerusalem, (Notre Dame of Jerusalem Center)A meeting was held in Jerusalem that brought together secular and religious figures and specialists for more detailed discussions regarding innovative arrangements for the Holy Sites and the Old City of Jerusalem. Sponsored by:Norway.noIn collaboration with:Jerusalem Old City Intiative