Public Event
Madrid Fifteen Years Later
Friday, Jan 12 2007
Towards Peace in the Middle East: Addressing Concerns and ExpectationsOn the occasion of the commemoration of the 15th anniversary of the Madrid Peace Conference of 1991, and with the goal of revitalizing a regional approach to peace in the Middle East, the Toledo International Centre for Peace, Search for Common Ground and Fundación Tres Culturas del Mediterráneo organized the “Madrid Fifteen Years Later” conference in January 2007.The discussions demonstrated that the gaps between the parties were in fact bridgeableThe discussions demonstrated that the gaps between the parties were in fact b Read more...
EU Civilian Missions in the Palestinian Territories: Frustrated Reform and Suspended Security
Monday, May 1 2006
This report analyses the initial rapid success and subsequent implementation difficulties of the two EU civilian missions in the Palestinian territories and how the effectiveness both the border assistance mission (EUBAM-Rafah) and the police reform mission (EUPOL-COPPS) have been hampered by political developments.
Policy Fora
Perspectives for Permanent Negotiated Israeli-Palestine Solutions
Tuesday, Dec 20 2005
Toledo, 19 - 20 December 2005CITpax organised a conference, in Castilla-La Mancha University (Toledo), which focused on analysing the implications of Israeli unilateralism, as promoted by Ariel Sharon, on the disengagement from Gaza Strip. During the conference, the main difficulties related to the viability of the peace proposals put forward by the respective civil groups, as well as the paralysis of negotiations for a final settlement. Conclusions reflected the need to promote the building of new bridges and to pursue mutual understanding as a means of overcoming the patterns that lead to co Read more...