Policy Fora
Spain and UNIFIL: Managing Future Scenarios
Thursday, Dec 11 2008
Spain and UNIFIL: Managing Future ScenariosOn 11 December 2008, the Toledo International Centre for Peace (CITpax) convened a closed-door meeting aimed at working with the Spanish Government in the preparation of a strategy for the management of its current role in UNIFIL and eventual position as lead-nation. CITpax proposed a one-day workshop in which three experts presented scenarios to representatives from various institutions in the Spanish Government in order to trigger planning for the challenges ahead. The meeting included representatives from the Ministries of Defence and Foreign Affai Read more...
Policy Fora
Exploring Strategies for Reconciliation in Lebanon: Dealing with the Past, building the Future

Tuesday, Dec 18 2007
This workshop offered a platform to facilitate dialogue and practical options to enhance the process of reconciliation and mutual understanding in civil society in Lebanon. It included representatives from the various Lebanese communities and members of civil society, academia, the business community, the media and members of parliament. It discussed among other issues, the consequences of the Taif Accord, the situation of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, The Hariri Tribunal, socio-economic challenges and the role of Spain in Lebanon especially in light of its peacekeeping contribution to UNIF Read more...
Strengthening and Promoting the Role of Women in the Prevention and Resolution of Conflicts in Iraq

Friday, May 11 2007
Sulaymaniyya, Iraqi Kurdistan, July 2006 (first workshop)This training workshop aimed to empower a group of Iraqi women representing different regions, ethnic groups and professions to become trainers in conflict resolution and group facilitation in their country. Madrid- Toledo, 7 – 11 May 2007 (second workshop) This seminar, organised by CITpax, the Al-Amal Iraqi Association and the Rafael del Pino Foundation, aimed to provide a group of Iraqi women with conflict resolution techniques to reinforce the role of Iraqi women as an essential part of civil society and also to encourage g Read more...